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200 years of Assam Tea

200 years of Assam Tea200 years of Assam Tea

200 years of Assam Tea.

200 years of Assam Tea.200 years of Assam Tea.

About Tea

Tea Board About Image

Tea is one of the industries, which by an Act of Parliament comes under the control of the Union Govt. The genesis of the Tea Board India dates back to 1903 when the Indian Tea Cess Bill was passed. The Bill provided for levying a cess on tea exports - the proceeds of which were to be used for the promotion of Indian tea both within and outside India. The present Tea Board set up under section 4 of the Tea Act 1953 was constituted on 1st April 1954. It has succeeded the Central Tea Board and the Indian Tea Licencing Committee which functioned respectively under the Central Tea Board Act,1949 and the Indian Tea Control Act, 1938 which were repealed. The activities of the two previous bodies had been confined largely to regulation of tea cultivation and export of tea as required by the International Tea Agreement then in force, and promotion of tea Consumption.


Tea Board organisation And Functions

Organisation of the Board: The present Tea Board is functioning as a statutory body of the Central Government under the Ministry of Commerce. The Board is constituted of 31 members (including Chairman) drawn from Members of Parliament, tea producers, tea traders, tea brokers, consumers, and representatives of Governments from the principal tea producing states, and trade unions .The Board is reconstituted every three years.

The following are the standing committees of the Board :

The Executive Committee deals with the administrative matters of the Board. The Export Promotion Committee deals with the work in relation to the export promotion of tea. Labor Welfare Committee guides the Board in implementation of various welfare schemes for the benefit of the plantation workers and their wards. The Development Committee is responsible for overseeing the various developmental schemes run by the Board. Licensing Committee for North and South India will act as per direction of the Board or the Executive Committee pertaining to Chapter III & IV of the Tea Act relating to Tea Estate of North India and South India respectively.

Administrative Set-up: The functional activities of the Board's Head Office located in Kolkata, West Bengal are as under : The Secretariat headed by Secretary looks after Establishment / administrative works and co-ordinates with the various departments of the Board’s office. The Establishment branch headed by Assistant Secretary looks after administrative / policy matter and deal with the staff matter of the Board’s office.

c) The Finance wing headed by Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer is responsible for the maintenance of accounts, release of financial assistance to tea gardens and internal audit.

d) The Development Directorate headed by the Director of Tea Development is responsible for formulation and implementation of various developmental schemes and rendering assistance to the industry in the procurement, distribution and movement of essential inputs.

e) The Promotion Directorate headed by the Director of Tea Promotion looks after the works relating to Marketing and Promotion of tea in India and abroad.

f) The Research Directorate headed by the Director of Research is responsible for co-ordination of tea research carried out by the different tea research institutions in the country and monitoring the functions the Tea Board's own Research Station.

g) The Licensing Department headed by the Controller of licensing is responsible for issue of business licenses for tea exporters and distributors, recording the ownership of all tea gardens in India and implementation of the Tea Waste (control) Order and Tea Warehousing (control) Order.

h) The Labor Welfare Department headed by Welfare Liaison Officer(North) looks after the work relating to implementation of welfare schemes of the Board.

i) The Statistics Department headed by the Statistician is responsible for the collection of Statistics relating to tea area production, tea prices, export, import, labor and all other related data and carrying out techno-economic surveys of various tea growing areas in the country including cost studies.

j) The Law Cell headed by Law Officer looks after all legal matters arising in various functional departments mentioned above.

k) Hindi Cell headed by the Deputy Director(Hindi) is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of Official Languages Act and various related measures.

l) Vigilance Cell: Tea Board's Vigilance Cell is headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Board who has been appointed as the Chief Vigilance Officer of the Board by the Central Vigilance Commission. The Cell engages itself with surveillance and preventive vigilance, in addition to taking appropriate action in matters arising out of information / complaints. The Cell attends to queries of the Government of India and the Central Vigilance Commission as and when such queries are received. Monthly and Quarterly Reports are prepared and sent to the Ministry of Commerce and the Central Vigilance Commission. The overall vigilance activities are looked after by the Chief Vigilance Officer who is assisted by the Vigilance officer

3. Functions: The Tea Board has wide functions and responsibilities under the direction of the Central Government. Briefly the primary functions of the Tea Board are as under :

a) Rendering financial and technical assistance for cultivation, manufacture and marketing of tea.

b) Export Promotion

c) Aiding Research and Development activities for augmentation of tea production and improvement of tea quality.

d) Extend financial assistance in a limited way to the plantation workers and their wards through labor welfare schemes.

e) To encourage and assist both financially and technically the unorganized small growers sector.

f) Collection and maintenance of Statistical data and publication

g) Such other activities as are assigned from time to time by the Central Government.

4. Offices of Tea Board :

(a) Offices in India: With Head Office located in Kolkata, West Bengal it has twenty three offices which include Zonal, Regional and Sub-Regional Offices located at the following cities/towns :

14, B. T. M. Sarani (Brabourne Road),
Kolkata - 700 001.
Tel. :033-22351331
E-mail : secretary.tbi-wb@gov.in
Website : www.teaboard.gov.in
1 North East Zonal Office- Guwahati The Executive Director
Tea Board,North Eastern Zonal Office,
Housefed Complex,
5th& 6th floor,  Central Block,
Beltola-Basistha Road,
Dispur, Guwahati – 781006.
Ph: 0361-2228944/2228945
2 South-India Zonal Office- Coonoor The Executive Director
Tea Board, Zonal Office,
“SHELWOOD”, Library Road,
Post Box No. 6, Coonoor – 643 101,
The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
Tel: 0423-2231638/2230316*[D]
Fax: 0423-2232332, 2231484-Res
E-mail: teaboardcoonoor@rediffmail.com
1 Regional Office- New Delhi Special Officer for NWI
Tea Board Regional Office
13/2 Jam Nagar House,Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi – 110 011
Telefax: 011-23074179
Mob: 09818007168
1 Sub Regional Office - Almora Tea Board Sub Regional Office,
Link Road, Thapalia,
Almora, Dist: Almora,
Uttarakhand, PIN: 263601
E-mail: teaboardalmora@gmail.com
2 Regional Office- Siliguri Tea Board India, Regional Office,
“Quality Control Laboratory Building(3rd Floor)”,Tea Park, Bhola More,
(Behind New Jalpaiguri Railway Station),P.O.Sahudangi Hat, Siliguri – 735 135, West Bengal.
Email id: siliguriteaboard@gmail.com
2 Sub Regional Office - Kurseong Tea Board India, Sub-Regional Office,
Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre Campus, Acharya Bhanu Path,
PO: Kurseong, PIN: 734 203, 
   Dist.: Darjeeling, West Bengal.
Email: phuriagri@gmail.com
3 Regional Office- Jalpaiguri Tea Board India, Regional Office,
Rahut Bari, Babupara, Ward No. 7,
P.O. & Dist. : Jalpaiguri-735 101,
West Bengal.
Telephone: 03561-225146
Email: teaboardjalpaiguri@gmail.com
3 Sub Regional Office - Thakurganj Tea Board India, Sub Regional Office,
The Premises of Suresh Prasad Singh,
Nagar Panchayat Thakurganj, Farabari,
Ward No.-2, P.O.+P.S.-Thakurganj, Dist – Kishanganj, State-Bihar, Pin – 855116
Email: teaboardsrothakurganj@gmail.com
4 Regional Office- Islampur Tea Board India, Regional Office,
Islampur, Power House Para,
Opposite to Main Bus Terminus,
PO: Islampur, Dist. Uttar Dinajpur,
W.B. 733202 Email: teaboardislampur@gmail.com
4 Sub Regional Office -Sivsagar Tea Board, Sub-Regional Office,
L.K. Baruah Road, Amolapatty,
Dist: Sivsagar, Assam, PIN: 785640
E-mail: teaboard.sivsagar@gmail.com
5 Regional Office - Gudalur Tea Board, Regional Office,
In front of Co-operative Bank,
Mysore Road, Gudalur-643 212,
The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
Tel: 04262-262316
Email: teaboardgudalur@gmail.com
5 Sub Regional Office - Biswanathchariyali Tea Board, Sub Regional Office,
C/O Mrinal Moni Bhattacharyya,
Opposite Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute,
P.O. &Dist: Biswanath Chariali
E-mail: gogoi.biswajit@yahoo.in
6 Regional Office- Palampur Tea Board India, Regional Office,
Islampur, Power House Para,
Opposite to Main Bus Terminus,
PO: Islampur, Dist. Uttar Dinajpur,
W.B. 733202
Email: teaboardislampur@gmail.com
6 Sub Regional Office - Udalguri Tea Board, Sub Regional Office,
Udalguri, ward no.4. near HS school
P.O. &Dist: Udalguri, PIN: 784509,
Assam E-mail: jibantamang14@yahoo.com
7 Regional Office- Jorhat Tea Board, Regional Office,
Tea Research Association Complex,
Cinnamara, Jorhat – 785 008, Assam
E-mail: teaboardjorhat@gmail.com
7 Sub Regional Office - Rajgarh Tea Board, Sub Regional Office,
14 No. Line, Rajgarh Tea Estate, Opposite Indian Bank, Borbam, Branch, P.O. Rajgarh, Dibrugarh, Assam, PIN: 786611
E-mail: teaboardsrorajgarh@gamil.com
8 Regional Office- Agartala Tea Board, Regional Office,
ITI Road, PO:Indranagar,
via-Kunjaban, Agartala,
Tel: 0381-2354639/Fax: 0381-2354182
8 Sub Regional Office - Lakhimpur Tea Board, Sub Regional Office,
Nakari Sundar Nagar Ward no. 2
Dist: Lakhimpur, Assam-787001
E-mail: mohanjadab@gmail.com
9 Regional Office-Silchar Tea Board India,
Regional Office,
(2nd Floor, SBI College Road Branch)
Vivekananda Road,
Silchar – 788 007,Assam
PH.No.- 03842-232518
E-mail: teaboardsilchar@gmail.com
9 Sub Regional Office - Sonari Tea Board, Sub Regional office,
Rajadhap, Near Veterinary Hospital,
P.O.: Sonari, Dist: Charaideo,
PIN: 785690, Assam
E-mail: teaboard.sonari@gmail.com
10 Regional Office- SGDD-Dirugarh Tea Board, Regional Office,
2nd floor,Zig-Zag Road, Chowkidinghee, Opp. to Shantiniketan Apartment,
P.O.& Dist. : Dibrugarh-786 001
Tel: 0373-3590130
E-mail: teaboarddibrugarh@gmail.com
10 Sub Regional Office- Aizawl Tea Board, Sub Regional Office,
Aizwal, Mizoram
PIN: 796017
Email: teaboard.aizawlmz@gmail.com
11 Regional Office- Golaghat Tea Board, Regional Office,
“Punyalaya”, Marwari Patty, Ward No-1, P.O. &Dist: Golaghat (Assam),
PIN: 785621, Assam E-mail: teaboardgolaghat@gmail.com
12 Regional Office- Tezpur Tea Board, Regional Office,
Opposite Election Office, Dist. : Sonitpur, Ganesh Ghat, Tezpur-784 001, Assam.   Tel: 03712-233664 E-mail: tezpurteaboard@gmail.com
13 Regional Office- Tinsukia Tea Board, Regional Office,
Khargeswar Road, Near BSNL exchange, Dist: Tinsukia,
Assam, PIN: 786 125
Tel: 0374 2950019
E-mail: tinsukiateaboard2019@gmail.com
14 Regional Office - Itanagar Tea Board, Regional Office,
Private Residence, 2nd Floor,
Near Kingcup School,
V.I.P Road, P.O: Itanagar,
Arunachal Pradesh-791 111
E.mail: teaboarditanagar@gmail.com
15 Regional Office - Peermade Tea Board, Regional Office,
511/1, Kallolickal Building, Peermade Post, Idukki District, Kerala-685 509
Tel: 04869-222628 Email:teaboard.kumily@gmail.com
1 Quality Control Laboratory - Siliguri Tea Board India, Research Directorate and Quality Control Laboratory
Tea Park, Bhola More,
(Behind New Jalpaiguri Railway Station),P.O. Sahudangi Hat, Siliguri – 735 135, West
Email Id: resdirteaboardqcl@gmail.com,
2 Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre - Kurseong Darjeeling Tea Research and Development Centre (DTR & DC)
Acharya Bhanu Path,
Kurseong – 734 203, Darjeeling
Telefax: 0354-2330218
Tel: 0354-2330287
Email: dtrdcteaboard@gmail.com
1 Tea Buffet Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 2 Tea Buffet Parliament House, New Delhi
3 Tea Buffet Niti Aayog, New Delhi 4 Tea Buffet Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
5 Tea Board Buffet Vanijya Bhawan, New Delhi 6 Tea Board Buffet, New Parliament Building, New Delhi
7 Tea Board Buffet, Parliament Library Building, New Delhi 8 Tea Board Buffet, Parliament Annexe, New Delhi
1 Tea Center Mumbai Tea Board
Resham Bhavan,
78, Veer Nariman Road,
Mumbai – 400 002.
Tel: 022-22041699/Fax: 022-22041699
G.H. (Tel): 2367 5401
E-mail: mumteaboard@gmail.com
2 Tea Nook- Tirumala Tea Nook, Near C.R.O.(G) Office,
(opposite to Railway Reservation Counter),
Tirumala– 517 504, Andhra Pradesh
3 Tea Center Chennai Secretariat Tea Room, Tea Board Chennai Secretariat,
Shop No. 3, 4th St. George, Chennai-600 009,
TEL: 044-24342754/Fax: 044-24341650,
E-mail: teaboardchennai@sancharnet.in
Tea Board India, Moscow Tea Board India, 4, Vorontsovo Poyle Indian
Embassy , Moscow Russian Federation
Tel/Fax +7 (495)916 3724, +7-495 783 7535
Ext 293 + 7(495)917 1657
Res    +7(495)952 0524, Mob  +0079653862273
E mail: teaboard@indianembassy.ru,

(b) Foreign Offices: Currently Tea Board has only one office located at Moscow. This foreign office of the Board is designed to undertake the various promotional measures to boost up export of Indian tea. This office also acts as a liaison office for interaction between importers of Indian tea of the respective region as well as Indian Exporters.

5. Staff Strength: The staff position of the Board as on 1st January, 2025

Group Number of Staffs
A 58
B 83
C 170
Total 311




Tea Board Organization Chart